Questions to ask a potential home builder

Published December 14th, 2021 by Rose Building Contractors, Inc.

A smiling home builder in a checkered shirt.

Finding a company in Florida to build your house is beyond easy. But, finding a company to help bring your dream home into existence? Well, that’s a whole other level of complicated. For that, you don’t want just any builders. You want a Florida contractor that’s professional, experienced, and reliable. You want a team that will share your vision and stop at nothing to see it brought to life. Therefore, questions to ask a potential home builder must extend beyond the price tag and timeline. So, let’s see what these are and why it’s so important to ask them.

#1: "Are you licensed?"

 An affirmative answer to this question is the first sign of reputable builders. However, a license isn’t necessary for every single contracting job. But, if a company went out of their way to get one – that says a lot. It means they are conscientious, responsible, and that they take their job seriously. Now, that’s the kind of Florida homebuilders you want by your side!

An engineer using a laptop.Valid licenses are a sign of a reputable home builder

#2: "Are you insured?"

Even with all the modern tools and machinery, construction remains a risky business. As such, accidents, while uncommon, still do happen. Therefore, you want builders who, at the very least, have:

  • Workers compensation insurance, and;
  • Liability insurance.

They guarantee you won't be held responsible for accidents, damages, or injuries you didn't directly cause.

#3: "How long have you been in business?"

An avid track record is another significant sign of reputability. But also an indicator of great experience. People who spend years in the industry pick up amazing tricks, accumulate vast knowledge and hone their skills to perfection. And that only works to your benefit since they can expedite the process without sacrificing quality. It’s why this is among the top questions to ask a potential home builder and one you should never skip.

#4: “May I see your portfolio?”

The great thing about this question: you won’t get to ask it too often. If you’re dealing with an established, reputable company, they’ll practically trip over themselves to present it to you. They’ll show you photos of similar homes and ask for your input. They’ll give you a list of referrals and urge you to follow up on it. Also, they won’t hesitate to show you their certificates or even give you a tour of their HQ. Our advice? Take them up on their offer! Yes, it is a bit about bragging. But, they reserved that right through outstanding service. What's important is that you'll find out a great deal about the company and how they treat clients.

An architect showing a new house to a client.A respectable homebuilder won’t hesitate to show off their good work.

#5: “Can I customize/provide my plans?”

Organizing your new home does not start when movers deliver your belongings. It begins right then and there – in your home builder's office. For a dream home, you'll need more than furniture and appliances. You’ll have to know the layout of the rooms and where everything goes. And long before the construction even starts. So, you’ll need a vision, a creative direction, and someone to help you bring it to life. It’s the only way to create a comfortable living space that you’ll enjoy for decades to come. Therefore, flexibility is a crucial trait you're looking for in-home builders. Their willingness to adapt is more than courtesy. It’s a springboard that will launch you miles closer to your perfect home.

#6: “Do you provide a warranty for the services and materials?”

Sometimes, issues may arise well after the construction's finished. Granted, this is a rare occurrence. Nevertheless, it pays to have an additional layer of security. And no respectable homebuilder will deny you this. But, when you’re in the process of hiring them, it has even more meaning. It shows they are:

  • Respectful of the work they do;
  • Confident about the quality of construction services they provide;
  • Responsible and have your best interest in mind.

On the flip side, the responsibility for the material usually falls upon the manufacturer. Your contractor will handle and inspect materials before using them in most cases. Still, it's good to ask for a copy of the material warranty. You know – to have all your bases covered.

#7: “Can you provide a (realistic) completion timeline for my project?”

New home construction is a complex undertaking and, thus, a lengthy process. In fact, according to a 2019 U.S. Census Bureau report, an average completion time is seven months. Needless to say, this will be a turbulent period. But, this is one of those questions to ask a potential home builder that can make it easier. It will help you prepare better for an upcoming big change.

A happy family after the move.Questions to ask a potential home builder can prove useful even after the construction’s done.

That's right – we're talking about moving into your new home. Exciting as it is, moving is another grand project. It's another daunting task that takes a while to set up. However, knowing the timeline will help simplify it. It will give you enough time to explore Best Movers in Florida and find an ideal moving company. You’ll have enough leeway to plan, organize, declutter, and pack. And, once the building’s done, you’ll have everything prepared to get the show on the road.

Don't settle for the first or cheapest option – settle for the best one

Finding an ideal contractor is essential for realizing your dream. But, it’s also a daunting task. This is a life-defining decision that will impact you and your family for decades to come. Therefore, it’s one you can’t afford to rush. So, we’ll leave you with one final tip. Use this list of questions to ask a potential home builder to your advantage. Contact reputable contractors in Florida and research them in-depth. Yes – it will take time to separate the wheat from the chaff. But, what you'll end up with is a reliable company that won't just build your house but will help you build your dream.

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